High Value Large Lot of used 19th Century U. S. Stamps CV $8950.00
This is a large lot of 19th Century stamps from collections I have bought and kept only the mint stamps, stamps I needed for my collection, or Washington-Franklins. The item “High Value Large Lot of used 19th Century U. S. … Continued
Turn of Century FEHR Louisville KY Malt Tonic Beer Stamped Tin Sign Watch Video
Video will open in a new window. Please use your desktop PC or MAC to view our product video on YouTube. Welcome to The Mantiques Network and Jim Schafer’s Antiques. Our 3,500 sq. Studio and Showroom is located in beautiful … Continued
Classic Rare Stamp Lot US #11-#78a 19th Century VF Used 16 items
Classic 19th Century Lot – 16 items. Scott #11 3c Orange Red Brown 1851-57 Washington Used Recut Inner Frame Lines, nicely centered within 3 ample to large margins revealing adjacent stamp at right, just in at bottom, neat barred circle … Continued
US 19th century Used with #118 #155 #191 #261 #278 Cat $6,550
Lovely selection of 19th Century classic issues, displayed on black stock cards. Contains a variety of issues ranging from Banknotes to Bureaus to Trans Mississippi. Majority well centered with a few Gems. Scott #166 faulty, the rest are generally sound. … Continued